
Dirt and Bubbles from the Caltech Turtle Pond

| Sat, Apr 13, 2019, 4:15 PM


This sample comes from the turtle pond at Caltech, taken at 7:50 pm on Thursday, April 11, 2019. It was obtained through scooping water and some dirt from the turtle pond and bringing it back to the building where a droplet of the sample was placed on the glass slide through a pipette. The image seems to be simply of dirt and water found in the pond.

After creating my own wet sample and imaging it, I learned how hard it was to create a sample and image an interesting specimen. I originally made a wet sample that seemed to be only water and a few particles of dirt. Wanting to try again, I made another sample, this time with more visible particles. Nonetheless, it seems that I had only captured dirt particles in my image. This taught me how difficult it is to both create and find an interesting wet sample. #caltechbi1



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
