Dr P M Singh of Dera Natung Govt. College, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, along with Dr Y Premabati of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Gumto, Papum pare, Arunachal Pradesh, in collaboration with Mr Vikas Jha of National Facility of Biopharmaceutical, G N Khalsa College, Mumbai, conducted one day workshop on Foldscope assembly and it’s uses in Chembur Naka MCGM Mumbai Public School, Mumbai, on 5th January 2018. 75 students from classes 8-10 were participated in the workshop.
After a brief introduction on Foldscope and how it can be used for studying different branches of science, students were divided into three groups of 25 each.
In each group, students were taught on how Foldscope was assembled. After demonstrating about mounting of slides, students were given the opportunity of hands-on preparation, mounting and image capturing through smart phone.