This image depicts a particularly tainted sample of pollen. The pollen cells are at the back and are the blurry, black, shadowed ovals and circular blob shapes. The other present entities are most likely dust or other particles.
This sample was obtained at 2:05 pm on May 10th, 2019 outside of Beckman Institute. The sample was obtained from a small, white flower, shown in the image below. I broke the flower apart and rubbed the internals of the flower holding the pollen on their exteriors on the center of a glass slide. I then taped and sealed the swabbed pollen using a slide cover.
Here are some questions I have about my image:
What are the long, thin stick like features that are particularly in good focus? – One could research the particles and entities commonly found in and around pollen on a flower to find answer this question.
Why were the pollen cells not in focus? – This question could be answered (or solved) by utilizing a professional grade microscope that can better adjust focal length and lighting.