What is the Microcosmos?

The Microcosmos is Foldscope’s official online community platform. Foldscope is the paper microscope that allows people to explore the microscopic world, the Microcosmos is where Foldscope users share what they discover, connect with other users, and so much more. Join the Microcomsos to discuss science, engage in grassroots organization, and crowdsource information. The Microcosmos gives everyone a window into the wonders of the microscopic world!

If you are looking for more information about Foldscope, visit https://www.foldscope.com.

How can the Microcosmos be used?

For Foldscope users, the Microcosmos can be many things. It can be a lab notebook to document ideas, protocols, and data. Users can comment on posts, join a citizen science project, or start one of their own. The Microcosmos is free, user-driven, and encourages openness and inclusion regardless of scientific experience or background.

For everyone, the Microcosmos is a way to see into the micrcoscopic world. All Microcosmos posts are visible to the public. Browse the vast collection of fascinating posts from Foldscope users around the world. Overall, it is not just a place for Foldscope users, it is a place for any curious mind to get lost in the microscopic world.

Who can post on the Microcosmos?

Only Foldscope users. A Foldscope is required to create a Microcosmos account. See the How to Join section for more information.

How to Join
  1. Get a Foldscope

    A Foldscope is required to create a Microcosmos account.

    To purchase a Foldscope, please visit our store.

  2. Find your ID Sticker

    Every Foldscope comes with a unique ID Sticker. Printed on the ID sticker you will find a 12-digit Foldscope ID Number.

  3. Sign Up

    On the Microcosmos website, select the Log In or Sign Up menu option. When the form asks for your Foldscope ID Number, input the number from your ID Sticker, and the other required information. Submit the form and your account will be ready to go!

How it Works
Explore with Foldscope

Use your Foldscope to explore the microscopic world around you. Visit Foldscope’s Resource Center for helpful tools, including our user guide, lesson plans, video tutorials, translations, and more.

Record Observations

Use the Foldscope app to record your observations. First, attach a cameraphone to your Foldscope. Then, open the Foldscope app and use the camera feature to record photos and videos of your samples.

When you make an observation, consider the following questions:

  • What is it? — Record information about your sample. Is it a leaf from a plant, or water from a local stream? Take photos of what your sample looks like in the Foldscope.

  • Where did you find it? — Record information about where you found your sample. Document how you collected the sample. The location can be precise coordinates or larger area like the name of a park.

  • When did you see it? — Record information about the time you observed your sample. Was it day or night? For how long did you observe it?

Thinking about these details will help you develop strong observations, and it will provide the Microcomsos community with more evidence to help identify and discuss your findings. Remember, you are not required to include all of the details suggested above, but these details are necessary for your post to be considered research quality for science. In general, the more information you record, the better. You never know what might lead to an interesting discovery!

Here is an example of a research quality observation: You take a trip to the local pond. When you arrive, you record the date, time, and weather conditions. Then you collect a sample of murky pond water and rock scrapings. You record macroscopic photos of these samples. You prepare slides and insert your samples into your Foldscope. Then you record microscopic photos and videos of your samples. Finally, you pack up your things and head back home after a long day of exploring!

Create a Microcosmos Post

Create a new post on the Microcosmos to to share your observations. First, you will need to have a Microcosmos account and be signed in. Then, select the New Post menu option. This will open a new post module, where you can input all the information you recorded during the observation stage.

When you create a new post, here are some stylistic things to consider:

  • Quick Post — Try uploading a post that just shares the essential information. This style of post is typically short format, speedy, and efficient. It can be useful if you are participating in a project that requires you to upload many posts, or if you are not seeking specific input from the Microcosmos community.

  • Tell a Story — Try uploading a post that takes readers on a journey. This style of post is typically long format, takes time to develop, and includes multiple elements/parts. It can be useful to tell a story in your post if you want to share what motivated you to explore a certain sample, discuss you observations in detail, or show a variety of samples with a common theme.

  • Ask for Input — Try uploading a post that asks the Microcosmos community for information or support. You can inquire about a technique, try to identify a sample, or share a “call to action” and ask other community members to join a project.

The styles of posts above are suggestions. The Microcosmos is an open and user-driven platform, feel free to share your explorations how you see fit! When you are ready to share your post with the community you can publish it or save your post as a draft for later.

Connect with the Community

Get involved in the Microcosmos community!

Visit the Explore page to view an exciting dashboard of Microcosmos posts. This page has many carousels that highlight interesting posts from users around the world. View posts on the map or organized by topic, like Plants, Workshops & Programs and Technique to Try. If you make a really great post you might see it featured later on the Explore page — it could even chosen to be in the Microcosmos Spotlight! The Explore page is curated by the Foldscope team and updated regularly, so check back often.

Visit the All Posts page to view the entire archive of Microcosmos posts. Here you can see all posts in chronological order, enter searches, and apply filters. If you are familiar with the old version of the Microcosmos, this page provides a similar browsing experience — with added features!

The Microcosmos is a place get lost in the wonders of the microscopic world and connect with Foldscope users. See what other Foldscope users are doing, discuss science, engage in grassroots organization, crowdsource information, and so much more.

For additional information, please contact us at info@foldscope.com