
What's growing on my table?

| Mon, Aug 07, 2023, 7:27 PM


Recently, I've been noticing a strange powdery substance appearing on my study table. I assumed that it is fungus and immediately cleaned it up. However, it returned. So I cleaned it again and it returned again. After 2-3 times I decided to use bleach on the table to kill it but that didn't work either! It was back the next day and this time in a huge amount!What on earth was this substance that refused to get cleaned???

Today, I decided to finally sit down and take a closer look. While was taking a closer look at the powdery substance, I noticed that some white dust was falling on my hands like as if it were snowing over that tiny corner of my table. I immediately looked up to find that a packet of lentils in my room had been attacked by tiny beetles who were making flour out of the lentils.

I wondered what the flour would look like up close and decided to Foldscope it. To my surprise there were tons of beetle nymphs in the flour and at multiple developmental stages!!

I'll be writing a longer post where I track their development but here are some quick videos I took tonight.





Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
