
Indian Croton Foldscope Image

| Sat Jun 18 54901 01:42:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Creating the foldscope was not as easy as I anticipated because I kept getting the orientation of the lens wrong as I inserted it into the foldscope. I was also worried that I would rip the foldscope when I was folding the slider and inserting the sample stage into the planning guide. I also struggled to focus my camera to take a picture of my sample of the Indian Croton, so this image was the best I could get. I was at least able to see its red and green surface, but not much else. I like the idea of having a foldscope as a household item that is cheap and affordable for the average person to own and use, but I would still prefer to use a traditional microscope when doing scientific analysis because I believe it is more reliable and advanced. I conducted this project as part of Professor Pringle’s EEB321 class at Princeton University



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
