
Moss, squished

| Sat Aug 19 54890 15:26:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Collected just outside Fine Hall on Princeton's campus, this piece of moss interested me with its vibrant green color, while surrounded by dying trees. Sadly, it was too large and wonderful a piece of moss to fit in the foldscope, so this image does it absolutely no justice. And yet the murky green and brown colors come through, despite the condition of the moss squished between two slides. I do wonder what it would look like had I mastered the foldscope a bit better and put a smaller piece of moss in. Would I be able to see the layers of fuzzy green 'leaves,' and the dirt that was picked up with it? The world may never know. Or maybe it will. I conducted this project as part of Professor Pringle’s EEB321 class at Princeton University.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
