
LGP2024 Batch- 2 Chanchala Kumari 30th May

| Thu, May 30, 2024, 9:10 AM


Today we saw a patato and a tomato under different magnification.
Under 50x magnification
Eccsecive amount water content was present. It was brownish white in colour. There was water bubble present. It looked quite hazy.
Sample: patato
Under 140 magnification
It looked like a heterogeneous solution. A lot of debris were present. There was presence of air bubbles. It looked quite hazy It was greyish in colour.
Sample patato
Under 340 magnification
It was white and black in colour. It looked like shining diamond. It looked amazing

Sample Tomato
Under 50x magnification
We were able to see cells from 50x magnification only. A lot of visible debris were present. It looked brownish white and microbe were present.
Sample tamoto
Under 140x magnification
Water content was present. A lot of debris were present. Looked hazy. It was reddish white in colour.
Sample tamoto
Under 340x magnification
Was able to see pigmentation of red colour. It was crystal clear. A lot of stick like structure was present



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
