
The Enchanting World of Veld Grape (Cissus quadrangularis) Pollen

| Fri Feb 18 55481 17:31:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Gently collecting a pollen sample from a blooming flower, I placed it under the Foldscope's lens. To my delight, I discovered a mesmerizing tapestry of vibrant and diverse pollen grains. Each grain revealed its unique shape, texture, and captivating patterns. The microcosm of pollen unfolded, revealing nature's artistry..

Examining the pollen grains under higher magnification, I marveled at the intricate details that define their unique identities. Some grains displayed beautifully sculpted exine patterns, while others showcased delicate apertures and ornamentations. These features play a crucial role in successful pollination and fertilization

The Foldscope has revealed the hidden splendor of pollen grains in my garden, unveiling their intricate beauty and unique characteristics. Through this microscopic lens, I have gained a deeper understanding of nature's ingenious designs and the crucial role played by pollen in the reproduction of plants.

I encourage you to embark on your own Foldscope adventures and explore the captivating world of pollen grains in your garden or local environment. Discover the hidden beauty and marvel at the intricate details that lie within these tiny treasures. Nature's microcosms are waiting to be unveiled, and the Foldscope is your key to unlocking their secrets.

Note: When collecting pollen grains, handle flowers with care to avoid damage and respect the natural environment. Always follow ethical guidelines and protect the biodiversity around you during your Foldscope explorations.

Foldscope: The Origami-Based Paper Microscope. Retrieved from



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
