

| Fri, Jan 05, 2024, 2:09 PM


Samples' Brief Information:

Sample Name: Shiso (Perilla frutescens var. crispa)

General description: Shiso is one of about 8 species of the genus Perilla in the family Lamiaceae (or Labiatae). It is native to the mountainous regions of China, India and Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, but is now found worldwide. 

Observing the external appearance of shiso under a magnifying glass: The entire surface of the dandelion is covered by a thick layer of white hairs, which are thicker at the stem and branches. Its leaves are relatively thin (as can be seen in the picture), with large and deep purple veins. Both the upper and lower surfaces are covered with white hairs, but there are fewer on the upper surface

On the upper surface of the leaf: we can see distinct features. The leaf vein exhibits a bright purple color and has cylindrical structure. The cells are organized into distinct clusters by leaf veins, displaying a vibrant green color. Some purple cells also can be observed.


Species: Shiso (Perilla frutescens var. crispa)

Distribution: Worldwide


In the classification system, shiso belongs to the Perilla genus, Lamiaceae family, Lamiales order. Shiso is a herb, grows to 50 - 100 centimeters tall. Leaves grow opposite, serrated edges, purple-red underside, sometimes both sides are purple, brown or green with ruffled hairs. Small flowers grow in cymes at the tips of branches, white or purple, opposite. Fruit small, spherical. The whole plant has essential oils and fragrant hairs.

Shiso is grown worldwide as a spice and medicine. Perilla can be used for all parts except the roots.

Biological Characteristics:

Growth: Ideal temperature is around 25°C, and plants exhibited harmful effects when they were treated with under 15°C.

Chemical composition: Essential oil: perillaldehyd (4 isopropenyl 1-cyclohexen 7-al), limonen, a-pinen và dihydrocumin. Seed: acid oleic, linoleic và linolenic; amino acid: arginin, histidin, leucin, lysin, valin.

Effects of shiso in Vietnam:

Traditional medicine: 

It is natural medicine that helps to recover from various symptoms such as diseases related to cough, cold, fever, chills, headache, nasal congestion, asthma, shortness of breath, anxiety, depression, allergies …allergies, poisoning and some intestinal disorders.

α-linolenic acid is the major fatty acid, ranging around 50%, reducing cholesterol and limiting visceral adipose tissue. In addition, Perillaldehyde in the essential oil has antidepressant properties.

Food: Raw consumption with other vegetables or addition to porridge are ways to enjoy shiso leaves. They also serve as key ingredients in soups and various types of spring rolls.


Những người đóng góp vào các dự án Wikipedia. (2023, March 9). Tía tô.

Trang K. M. (2023, July 19). Y học cổ truyền nói gì về công dụng sức khỏe của cây

tía tô?

Lin, K., Jhou, Y., Wu, C., & Chang, Y. (2020). Growth, physiological, and antioxidant

characteristics in green and red Perilla frutescens varieties as affected by temperature- and

water-stressed conditions. Scientia Horticulturae, 274, 109682.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
