
Unidentified Moth Buddy

| Sat Apr 07 55528 07:32:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


After a short and fruitful scrounge around my bedroom floor (which needs a sweep) I found this cool moth friend, Steven, who I decided to introduce to my girlfriend via my trusty foldscope. I carefully dissected a section of his wing and leg off which I mounted to a glass slide.
The first picture is the first thing we saw as soon as we looked down the objective, which immediately excited us both because of the interesting structures and cells we could observe.

We then looked around the wing and found a very interesting vasculature-looking structure that we were able to follow along the entire length of the wing. We speculated that it forms part of the moth's vasculature because of the pipe-like shape it takes, but I'm intrigued if anyone knows what it actually is?

Finally for the wing we found interesting fibrous extensions around the margins, but I'm sure that these are formed from tearing the wing. Either way, they make for pretty cool viewing!

Then we took a look at one of its legs which we struggled a bit to focus on because of how thick it was. We were able to see hairs on the edges of the leg which goes to show how much of these creatures we miss because of their tiny sizes.

Overall Steven was able to provide my girlfriend and I with an evening of entertainment and learning. In the future I'd like to refine my dissection skills by introducing a set of tweasers into my toolkit to learn even more about Steven and his friends.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
