
Field trip to Lalbagh Botanical garden,Bangalore

| Fri, Dec 14, 2018, 3:06 AM


On 10th of December students of 9th standard were taken to the field trip to Lalbagh botanical garden, Bangalore to collect various specimens, prepare temporary slides and observe under the foldscope.

We had an eminent guest ,Mr. Yellappa Reddy who is a Member of Board of Governors,Foundation of Ecological Society,Dr. Jayashree, Department of Botany, NMKRV College and few degree students .The following activities were conducted:

* Introduction of guests and interaction of guests and our students.

* Tree prayer under a tree before starting the foldscope project.

*Assembly of foldscope by the students.

* Collection of various samples from the garden to observe under the foldscope .

*Preparation of slides by the PI, Degree students of NMKRV college and our students.

*Observation of prepared slides by the guests and students.


*Field walk to study the flora at Lalbagh Botanical gardens.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
