
More Gem Pics

| Thu, Jan 15, 2015, 7:46 PM


Here’s a few more that I got in my 1st round:

2 natural Emeralds on left, Synthetic on right. Emerald with natural inclusions below.

Synthetic emerald (hydrothermal), showing wavy growth lines internally, across facets.

Melt relic, showing that this Ruby is natural, but has been heat-treated. The dark crystal at the epicenter expands at a different rate when heat is applied, leaving a radiating ring of damage.

This is one of my favorites. The stone is Quartz/Amethyst. The strips inside are Hematite inclusions. They are actually bright red. In the hi-mag view, through, they show as nearly black. But they show up and it looks cool! You can also see a string of liquid inclusions (bubbles caused when forming the stone).

Love my Foldscope! Have a few ideas to make it more flexible for Gemological use: front piece with magnetic phone coupler and lens is great. Wish the lens could be protected to prevent scratching. Also wish the gap for a slide could be a slightly larger gap to allow for loose stones. Last, if there was a means of having the lighting module, but with a 3-4″ fiber optic light, then light could be pointed from any position – even used on mounted gems, and the current light’s bump in the back panel would not be in the way. Just some thoughts. Gems & Gemology managine, the premiere outlet for Gemology news, has asked me to write an article about my use of the Foldscope, including photos. Hope to be publishing soon, as I’m highly recommending this tool (even in current format) for field use!




Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
