
Using a Foldscope at the NSTA Philadelphia Conference

| Sat, Nov 28, 2015, 7:37 PM


On Friday, November 13 th 2015 Dr. Judith Bazler and Ms. Carleigh Engstrom shared the Foldscope technology with Science teachers at the regional National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) session in Philadelphia. Session attendees were able to participate in a hands-on demonstration where they created their own sand sample slide, looked at pre-prepared slides, and took pictures using the Foldscope smartphone attachment and a smartphone. All of the attendees were extremely curious and excited about the Foldscope, and wanted to know when they would be able to get their hands on one.

Research conducted at Sandy Hook, NJ allowed for the Foldscope to be field-tested, and lesson plans were written for science teachers to use in their classrooms. Each of the session attendees was given water and sand sample lesson plans, which can also be applied to a traditional light microscope, which are linked to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

All pictures were taken at the NSTA Philadelphia Regional Conference Session titled: “ASTE Session: Science and Literacy—The 50-Cent Microscope/Foldscope” on November 13 th 2015.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
