In another installment of Foldscoping in the classroom, my friend Ellen and I decided to image the water from my biology teacher’s fish tank:
My sample:
Prepared wet mount slide with a piece of leaf.
I didn’t know what to expect since I had trouble imaging wet slides with the Foldscope in past attempts. But this time, I found something! We took a 20 minute video that I’ve attached to fully encapsulate the wonder and process of enlightenment of what we were looking at. Around the middle of the video, I finally realize that I’m seeing a living organism attached by a stalk to the leaf. My research teacher (the guy wearing black) calls in a group of science teachers to look at the sample on my phone:
The environmental science teacher in white tells me that he thinks it’s a Stentor. Ellen and I google whilst recording and the Stentor doesn’t quite fit with the roundness of the organism we’re seeing. Later in the video, we realize that it most likely is a Vorticella, which is a bell-shaped ciliated protozoa. Their stalks contract like a coil when stimulated, which is why we saw the sporadic movements.
Here’s the video. Excuse my occasionally unscientific giddiness. I was very excited to finally identify a microorganism and all words escaped me. So, any thoughts? Do you think we’ve correctly identified this organism?
Some video-watching advice: