
Bio60_2019 – Green Leaf

| Wed, Feb 06, 2019, 9:15 PM

Slide of leaf prepared with water.

These photos were taken of a leaf I found outside of my dorm on February 6th. To look at the leaf with the Foldscope, I actually prepared two different slides, one with water and one without. I took sections of the leaf from the bottom-most portion, since I figured these cells would be the youngest. The photo above is the leaf prepared with water, which provided a much clearer picture than the leaf prepared without water, shown below.

Slide of leaf prepared without water.

The slide prepared with water allows us to see the plant cells in much more detail, but in both pictures, you can see that there appears to be groups of cells bunched together that are distinctly separate from the other bunches of cells. My first instinct would be to say that these are fibers, but this is odd considering that this is a top-to-bottom view of the leaf. I am no expert in leaf anatomy, but it would be interesting to know why the cells in this leaf are organized in bunches.

Slide of leaf prepared with water, with a water droplet visible.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
