
Parts of a cockroach leg

| Sun, Feb 24, 2019, 7:39 AM


College : CMR National PU College, ITPL, Bengaluru

Sample: Periplaneta americana (cockroach)

Site of sample collection: CMR National PU College, ITPL

Date of Collection: 19 February 2019

Date of Observation: 23 February 2019

Students involved: Navyaa Shah, A.S.Vidisha, Malavika Rajesh

A cockroach leg was taken and viewed under the foldscope. The mid-section, joint and tip were seen clearly.

The tip of the cockroach leg was dark brown, tapering and had hair-like structures at regular intervals.

Next, the midsection of the leg was viewed. The mid-section was broad, with hair-like structures and faded from a dark brown colour to an ochre shade towards the sides.

Lastly, the joint of the cockroach was observed. The joint was clearly visible and the segmented sections were precise.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
