
One Day National Workshop (twinning) organized at Goalpara College, Goalpara in collaboration with Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar, Punjab

| Thu, Feb 28, 2019, 8:34 PM


As a part of twinning programme, a national workshop on Assembly and Use of Foldscope Microscopy was organized at Goalpara College, Goalpara, Assam in collaboration with twinning partner: Department of Biotechnology, Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar, Punjab on 27th February, 2019. More than 100 degree/HS students along with faculty members of Goalpara college were participated in this day long event. From the twinning partner’s institution Dr. Arun Dev Sarma, Principal Investigator of DBT Foldscope Project & Associate Professor, P. G. Department of Biotechnology, Lyallpur Khalsa College, Punjab along with Principal of the same college Dr. G. S. Samra were attended and presented two lectures in the workshop as resource person. In the inaugural meeting, Prof. G. C. Sarma, Principal i/c; Dr. S. N. Sarma, IQAC Coordinator & Head, Department of Geography; Dr. S. K. Mishra, Head, Department of English; Prof. Abdul Hussain, Head, Department of Economics; Dr. A. H. Barbhuiya & Dr. D. K. Borah from Department of Zoology of Goalpara College were present. Dr. Jugabrat Das, Principal Investigator, DBT Foldscope project, department of Zoology, Goalpara College also demonstrated a presentation on the theme followed by a hands on practical session to the participants.

Prof. Pradip Chutia, Head, Department of Zoology of Goalpara College presided over the meeting and offered vote of thanks to all the gusts, resource persons and participants at the end of the workshop. The participants expressed their happiness in learning the assembly and use of foldscope.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
