
Foldscope Workshops conducted on National Science Day

| Thu, Mar 07, 2019, 12:04 AM


On 28th February, 2019, on the occasion of National Science Day, two Workshops on “Introduction and Applications of Foldscope” were conducted under the Government of India, Department of Biotechnology funded Foldscope Research Project Twinning Program between Principal Investigators Dr. Gayathri N. of D. G. Ruparel College, Mumbai and Dr. Sewali Pathak of Bijni College, Assam.

The workshops were conducted in Balmohan Vidyamandir, Shivaji Park, Dadar (West), Mumbai for 8 th and 9 th standard students. In first workshop, 142 students attended and in the second workshop, 99 enthusiasts attended the workshop. Each Workshop started with a lecture to introduce Foldscope. The students were then taught to prepare temporary slides of stomata from betel leaf, pollen grains from Hibiscus and scales from fish. The students were highly enthusiastic and some instantaneoulsy prepared slides of hair follices and salt crystals.

Four Foldscopes were given to the school for their future use (Registration Nos. 0002C92ECE76, 0002C257C7CB, 0002966488E6 and 000222E878D6). They were taught to register the Foldscopes in the microcosmos website to upload their observations periodically.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
