
Swamp Adventures

| Sun Jun 04 51150 03:53:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Yesterday I had the incredible opportunity to go to a secret swamp with the inventor of foldscope! I’m so thankful to be taught all the tricks and tips of foldscope use by the master himself. We had a wonderful time looking at ciliates and I even found a nematode. I’m so happy to have met so many new friends, in the human world and microcosmos!

Thank you so much to Manu Prakash for welcoming us with open arms (on his birthday as well!) and to his entire lab for this amazing time. Thank you also to Caltech for making this possible and for including foldscopes in their biology curriculum. I am so inspired by these incredible microscopes and cannot wait to teach others how to use them!



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
