
A new way of vision to the microbial world.

| Thu, Mar 28, 2019, 11:16 AM


The team of foldscope community organizing the project of awaring everyone regarding the new era of microscopy is praise worthy. We the students of Botany department, Guwahati University were very intrigued to be a part of something new and such an interesting stuff . As our usual field trips, we got to involve in the collection of the water sample from Deepor beel aiming to study the microbes present in the water, but a different and a new learning experience we got to receive was that instead of using a light microscope, we were able to build our own foldscope. Through the foldscope not only we were able to look at the prepared slide without any fancy equipment but we were also able to attach the microscope to our mobile phone to capture the clear cut image of the microbial organism. The resolution was very impressive, also attached to our phone cameras we could easily see and even magnify according to our requirements. A good learning experience and a revelation that even without being in a laboratory we can even check out tiniest objects and organisms was quite knowledgeable. It was also fun to partner up with a friend and make our very own mobile microscope.

Different layers of plant cells which is stained with saffranin and fast green is seen under the foldscope.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
