NMU Senior Show

Applause IconJan 28, 2015 • 11:52 AM UTC
Location IconUnknown Location
Applause Icon140x Magnification
Applause IconMicroorganisms

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In my Senior Exhibition at Northern Michigan University I plan to explore my own health and wellness through the use of Foldscopes. I will be taking tissue samples from my own body, creating slides, and photographing the images using my iPhone. So far I have created slides using, bear with me here, hair follicles, saliva, boogers/snot/mucus (whatever you want to call it – it came from my nose), and dead skin from the surface of my cheek. Further explorations will include other bodily excretions and surfaces – currently I am experimenting visually with a small selection of photographs from my slides.
The next exploration of these images will be through pastel drawings with a tentative layering component (text or additional images that inform the viewer further). I am still working on how to display the final pieces – they will remain in the round format by which I view the original source images.

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