
Video of ‘Paramecium’ from Foldoscope

| Sun Nov 15 51243 16:43:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Description: This video shows a sample that was taken from the Baxter pond around 6pm on April 10th 2019. In the video we can observe some of the pond’s vegetation, as well as what appears to be a paramecium swimming around.

Location and time sample was obtained: Baxter Pond, 6pm, April 10th 2019.

How sample was obtained: The sample was scooped from the Baxter pond’s water and collected in a sample tube.

Domain of organism in the image: Based on the organism’s shape, size and coloration, it is most likely to be a paramecium. However, due to the camera’s focusing troubles it is hard to tell. Based on the assumption that it is indeed a paramecium, then it is in the Eukaryote domain.




Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
