
Pink flower petal at 140x

| Sat Oct 08 51261 07:20:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


This photo shows the cells and veins in a flower petal collected from Caltech campus on 4/10/15 at 6 pm . The sample was removed from a living flower and then pressed between 2 clear stickers until the petal itself turned translucent (approximately 5 minutes). We can see the pink pigment in some of the cells of the petal. One question I have about my image is: what shape are the cells in the petal? In this image they appear to be thin rectangles but we could find out more information by taking pictures of a different cross-section of the petal. Another question I have is what is being transported in the veins of the petal currently? Answering this question would likely require a microscope with significantly better magnification so the molecules in the veins could be observed. #caltechbi1



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
