
Daylily Pollen Sample

| Thu Jun 04 51322 13:40:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


This was the lily from which the pollen was taken. Yellow speckles of the pollen be seen on the petal of the flower.

  • The sample was taken from outside of Broad Institute at Caltech. Caltech is located in Pasadena which is in Southern California, near LA.
  • The sample was obtained at 17:50 on the 8th of May, 2019.
  • It was obtained by removing the stamen. I took these back and dabbed the stamen onto a sticky slide provided by the foldscope kit. Then a similarly sticky cover was placed on top and then the sample was observed under the Foldscope.
  • I identified the flower from which the pollen was taken as a red daylily. I was able to determine the genus as Hemerocallis.
  • The species, however, was not identified.
  • The magnification of the Foldscope is 140x. In the image, the grains are around 1 mm across. Therefore, the pollen is actually around 0.007 mm across.

This is the magnified pollen. We cans see that the pollen is actually small rice shaped grains.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
