
Observed through Foldscope: Pollen Collected from Pictured Flower at Caltech

| Fri, May 10, 2019, 2:37 PM

Figure 1: Pollen sample as observed from a Foldscope through the additional magnification of a phone camera
  • Description of Image: There are rice-shaped yellow oval grains, that are filled with a somewhat translucent cytoplasm.
  • Location and time sample was obtained: Sample was obtained at 6pm on 5/8/19 from a garden on the Caltech campus next to the Broad building from the flower pictured below.
Figure 2: Flower that produced the pollen obtained for the sample
  • Some questions about my image and potential approaches to answering them:
    • I wonder what material makes up the tough outer shell of the pollen grains observed and I wonder how it would react with water. I could approach answer this question starting by preparing a sample of pollen in water, and observing it.
    • I wonder how the pollen will decay with time. I can answer this question by making several follow up observations in the span of days and weeks.
    • I wonder where what about the structure of these pollen grains allows it to attach to the stigma of a plant. I could approach answering this question by also preparing a sample of a stigma from the plant and observing its structure to try to make some inferences.
    • I wonder what can be noticed about the inside of the pollen grains given higher magnification. I could possible answer this question using a higher powered magnification microscope.




Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
