
Pollen from Flowers Outside Chandler

| Sun Jan 27 51326 02:46:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

This image shows pollen as seen through a foldscope (the picture taken with an iPhone). The pollen was taken from red flowers outside of Chandler at approximate 9:00 PM on May 10th. The sample was taken by taking off one flower and carefully extracting the stamen from the center of the flower and then carefully scraping the anthers onto a glass slide, attempting not to crush them in the process.

Some questions I have about my image are, what is the inner structure of each anther, and if I crushed them further would I be able to tell with the low magnification of the foldscope. I would also like to know how pollens from different types of plants compare in shape, size, and color, and whether those differences are particularly evolutionarily meaningful. Finally, I don’t have a scale within my picture so I don’t know how the length of my picture and thus can’t tell the size of the pollen grains. Adding a scale to know the size of the pollen grains would be interesting.




Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
