
Foldscope picture of pollen collected in Bechtel residence lawn

| Wed Mar 27 51326 07:20:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Tiny and translucent cells can be seen, which indicates for the presence of pollen on the sample stage under the view of the foldscope as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1 was taken on May 10th at 10:39 PM at Bechtel Residence lawn. The sample was obtained by picking one of the yellow flowers on the stalk. The anther was taken out of the flower and was then squished on a glass sample stage to release the pollen. Afterwards, a drop of water was added onto the pollen. A plastic square sheet was then placed on top of the pollen and water droplet for view under the foldscope.

The plant species for that pollen: Kniphofia uvaria

Other relevant information

Genus: Kniphofia

Family: Asphodelaceae

Order: Asparagales

Clade: Angiosperms (monocots)

Kingdom: Plantae




Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
