
Two different types of pollen from one flower

| Thu May 18 51380 05:50:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


This is the first type of pollen I saw. Its darker in colour so maybe it is not as fresh anymore as compared to the other pollen I saw.

Here is the other pollen i saw form this flower. Its much lighter so maybe its younger pollen.
Location : I took this pollen from a pink flower outside of the Firestone flight laboratory at the California Institute of Technology which is in Pasadena, California.
Time: 30th May, 2019 16:15
How the sample was obtained: From the center of he flower I found on anther which I picked up with a tweezer and dabbed on a sticky slide. Then I placed another sticker on top of that.
Description: As we can see there were two different kinds of pollen o this flower, maybe also they just appeared different in the microscope. One was much darker in colour and seemed to have a brown casing around it. The other one has a much lighter colour. This may be because one sample was more dried than the other. The pollen is quite small and there wasn’t very much of it on the anther.
Here is a picture from the flower from which I got the pollen samples.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
