
Hidden pollen in a yellow flower

| Wed May 31 51380 06:53:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Description: Here w can see a close-up of the small section that I took from the inside of the flower. From afar it seemed as if it was just made of very thin white fibres. However up close we can see these circles embedded in long fibres. These could very well be pollen.
Location: The flower was found on a bush in the Ruddock house courtyard. Ruddock house is a building on the campus of the California Institute of Technology which is in Pasadena California.
Time: May 30th 2019, 4:20 pm
How the sample was obtained: When I first looked into the flower I was extremely confused because there was nothing in it. Then I pulled it apart and I saw that there were these white fibrous clumps and white liquid. The liquid was very sweet. I took the fibrous clumps and put them on the sticky slide and took the photo above.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
