
Ouch, that hurt!

| Mon Oct 16 51380 05:26:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Zafir Abou-Zamzam Section 3
(extra credit post)


This is an image of a hair follicle. My hair is dark and curly, and we can see a slight curl as the hair leaves the follicle. At higher magnification it would be interesting to see the details of the actual follicle, but it is remarkable to see that the hair takes a right angle turn almost immediately. I’m not exactly sure why, but this could be a way to anchor the hair into the skin, or it could have been damaged when removed. The sample was pulled violently from my head in the lounge of Page house, on 5/29 at 9:00pm, and placed onto a slide to view. I would include the location (a picture of my head), but I don’t want to put you through that misery having to look at a non-aesthetic zoomed in photo. (Trust me, I’ve seen it).




Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
