
Various Foldscope Samples

| Sun Dec 17 51380 11:03:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


  1. Edge of coriander leaf. The green part of the image is the leaf. Coriander (coriandrum sativum) leaf obtained at 4:32pm on 30/05/19 in Ricketts House at Caltech by plucking from the plant pictured above.

2. Strand of human hair. Under magnification, the cylindrical shape and dark colour of the hair is clearly visible. The sample was obtained at 4:43pm on 30/05/19 in Ricketts House at Caltech by cutting my own hair (for this reason, the location is not pictured).

3. Section of skin from a human lip. The sample was obtained at 5:08pm on 30/05/19 in Ricketts House at Caltech using fingernails to remove the skin (again, the location is not pictured).

4. Pollen from a rose. The pollen is small, dark in colour, and oval in shape. The sample (genus Rosa, likely a hybrid species) was obtained at 3:00pm on 30/05/19 on the Moore Walk beside Avery House at Caltech. Pollen was transferred onto the slide by shaking the flower over the slide so that pollen falls from the anthers.

5. Rose stamen. The stamen is oval in shape and shows a split structure. The sample (genus Rosa, likely a hybrid species) was obtained at 3:00pm on 30/05/19 on the Moore Walk beside Avery House at Caltech. The stamens had fallen from the flowers and were picked up and put on slides.

6. Skin of a red onion . The grid-like structure and pink colour of the onion (Allium cepa) skin is visible in the image. The sample was obtained at 6:52pm on 30/05/19 in Ricketts House at Caltech by peeling a layer of skin off the pictured slice of onion.

7. Edge of flower petal . The sample of the flower (Pelargonium x hortorum) was obtained at 6:58pm on 30/05/19 on California Blvd at Caltech. The petal was plucked from the flower and placed on a slide for the image to be taken.

8. Tomato skin. The pink colour of the tomato (Solanum lycopersinum), as well as brown and green structures are seen in the image. The sample was obtained at 9:52pm on 30/05/19 in Ricketts House at Caltech. A sliver of skin was peeled from the cut tomato pictured above.

9. Hydrangea quercifolia stamen. The image shows the split shape of the anther of the flower. The sample was obtained at 7:01pm on 30/05/19 on California Blvd at Caltech. The stamen was removed from the flower by hand.

10. Dandelion seed head fibers. The sample was found at 7:02pm on 30/05/19 on California Blvd at Caltech. The fibers were loose on the ground, so were directly picked up to view under the foldscope.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
