The above image is a picture of a petal sample taken from a red rose, or rosa.
The petal sample was obtained in front of Avery house at 4:30 pm on May 30th, 2019. The exact location where the sample was obtained is shown in the image below.
The sample was obtained by removing a petal from the selected flower and tearing a small piece of the petal off then placing it onto the slide.
The above image is a picture of a petal sample taken from a Bougainvillea glabra.
The petal sample was obtained in front of Avery house at 4:30 pm on May 30th, 2019. The exact location where the sample was obtained is shown in the image below.
The sample was obtained by removing a petal from the selected flower and tearing a small piece of the petal off then placing it onto the slide.
The above image is a picture of the lower part of the flowering section of a plant similar to lavender.
The flower sample was obtained in between Avery House and the Bechtel Residence at 4:30 pm on May 30th, 2019. The exact location where the sample was obtained is shown in the image below.
The sample was obtained by removing a part of the lower section of the flower and placing it onto the slide.
The above image is a picture of the fluid from the inner section of a leaf from a plant similar to aloe vera.
The fluid sample was obtained in between Avery House and the Bechtel Residence at 4:30 pm on May 30th, 2019. The exact location where the sample was obtained is shown in the image below.
The sample was obtained by cutting a section of a leaf off of the plant then squeezing the contents inside the leaf onto a slide.
The above image is a picture of petal of an Agapantha flower. The flower petal sample was obtained inside the Avery Courtyard at 4:30 pm on May 30th, 2019. The exact location where the sample was obtained is shown in the image below.
The sample was obtained by removing a petal from the flower, ripping a small piece off the petal, and placing it onto the slide.
The above image is a picture of a petal taken from an Asian Jasmine flower. The flower petal sample was obtained in Avery Courtyard at 4:30 pm on May 30th, 2019.
The exact location where the sample was obtained is shown in the image below.
The sample was obtained by removing a petal from one of the flowers on the plant, ripping a small fragment of the petal off, and placing it onto the slide.
The above image is a picture of a section taken from the bud of a plant similar to aloe vera.
The plant bud sample was obtained in between Avery House and the Bechtel Residence at 4:30 pm on May 30th, 2019. The exact location where the sample was obtained is shown in the image below.
The sample was obtained by removing a section of the bud and placing it onto the slide.
The above image is a picture of the a petal from a pink rose.
The flower sample was obtained in front of the Millikan Library at 4:30 pm on May 30th, 2019. The exact location where the sample was obtained is shown in the image below.
The sample was obtained by removing a petal from a flower on the plant, ripping a small piece off the petal, and placing it onto the slide.
The above image is a picture of a five pronged leaf from a tree.
The leaf sample was obtained behind the Annenberg Computer Science Building at 4:30 pm on May 30th, 2019. The exact location where the sample was obtained is shown in the image below.
The sample was obtained by removing a leaf from the tree, ripping off a fragment, and placing the small fragment on the slide.
The above image is a picture of the petal from a flower from the Jacaranda tree.
The flower petal sample was obtained in front of the turtle pond, next to Sherman Fairchild Library at 4:30 pm on May 30th, 2019. The exact location where the sample was obtained is shown in the image below.
The sample was obtained by picking up a flower which had fallen from the tree, ripping of a small fragment, and placing it onto the slide.