
Yellow Flower Pollen

| Thu Aug 28 51383 08:40:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

61999132_2320057131649613_8959928359349911552_n (1)

This is interesting due to its intense yellow color that is seen through the foldoscope and the ability to see some non-uniform cell walls compared to the uniform walls that were seen in the pink petal.

This sample was collected at 2:36Am on 5/31/19 in the ath. parking lot. This is the same place the ant was found.

This sample was imaged by cleaning the glass slide and slide cover with a cue-tip. The pollen sample was then placed onto the slide, and the cover was taped down to prevent the sample from moving around. The foldoscope was then rested onto a phone that was displaying a white background and a second phone was used to record the image. The phone was used over ambient light so that a more precise light control could be used. The magnification of the foldoscope was changed until the picture was clearly in focus. A photo was then taken of the specimen.




Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
