
OUTREACH for Madras Veterinary College Students

| Wed, Jul 24, 2019, 11:19 AM


An outreach programme on popularizing the application of Foldscope was conducted for the benefit of students of Madras Veterinary College, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University (TANUVAS), Chennai, India on 24.07.2019. A total number of 130 Under graduate students participated in this programme. Dr.Ghadevaru Sarathchandra, the Dean, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai inaugurated the programme and delivered special address. Dr.K.Senthilkumar, Assistant Professor and Co-PI of this DBT Foldscope scheme (Wildlife Science -Madras Veterinary College-TANUVAS) sensitized the students about the usage of foldscope in veterinary field. Dr.C.Sreekumar, Professor and Head & Adivsor, Department of Wildlife Science, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai explained about the importance of spot diagnosis in foldscope. Dr.V.Perasiriyan, Professor and PI of this DBT Foldscope scheme at CFDT, Koduveli, Chennai-52demonstrated the foldscope for assessing the storage quality of processed liquid food. Dr.M.Palanivelrajan, PI of DBT Foldscope Scheme (WLS-MVC) & Asst. professor, Department of wildlife science, Madras Veterinary college, chennai demonstrated the foldscope for the spot diagnosis of parasitic diseases of wild animals. At the end the students were exposed to see the parasitic egg and tissue sample through foldscope.

Dr.G.Sarathchandra, Dean, Faculty of Basic Sciences, TANUVAS felicitating guest speakers
Dr.Perasiriyan, Professor, CFDT, Koduveli demonstrating Foldscope for assessing the storage quality of processed liquid food
Delivering guest Lecture- Dr.C.Sreekumar
Demonstration on assembling of foldscope

Student searching a parasitic egg in dung sample of cattle
Student viewing a tissue sample through foldscope



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
