“An outreach programme on popularizing the application of Foldscope” was conducted on 27 th and 28 th July, 2019 as part of Department of Biotechnology (DBT) funded project on “Foldscope as a tool to screen parasitic infections in wild animals of Tamil Nadu” of the Department of Wildlife Science (WLS), Faculty of Basic Sciences, Madras Veterinary College Campus, Chennai for the benefit of forest/wildlife veterinarians at Anamalai Elephant Camp. Dr.C.Sreekumar, Professor and Head and Dr.M.Palanivelrajan, PI of the scheme and Assistant Professor, WLS demonstrated the application of foldscope for spot diagnosis of parasitic diseases in elephants. Dr.N.Kalaivanan, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Devaram (former Forest Veterinarian) was provided a Foldscope trained on it use. A total of 27 camp elephants ( Elephas maximus ) were screened on the spot for the endoparasitic infections and treatment measures suggested. Shri. Naveen Kumar, Forest Range Officer, Anamalai, participated in the programme. The elephants was screened for the endoparasite at the camp itself.
Shri. Naveen Kumar, Forest Range Officer, Anamalai viewing the parasites through foldscope
Dr.C.Sreekumar comparing the foldscope with light microscope
Dr.N.Kalaivanan was honored with foldscope
Honored the Forest Range Officer, Anamalai
Honored the Forest Range Officer, Anamalai