
First Foldscope Views

| Fri Jun 21 47078 18:36:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Table Fuzz. “It Works”

My first foldscope views. The next pictures were taken from prepared microscope slides I received for my 11th birthday in 1962 .  I got this set with a brand new microscope kit I also received.  That was nearly 53 years ago.  I am now 63 and between these years I majored in biology, became a biology teacher, and taught biology for 34 years.  I taught thousands of students the joy of looking at an incredibly exciting microscopic world.  This Foldscope brought this joy back to me today.  I built it today and then examined the very slides that started me on my journey of discovery.  This “invention” is wonderful.  I can’t wait to show it to other biology teachers and to new generations of “explorers!! ” Rich Benz, Concord, Ohio.

IMG_0007 IMG_0008 IMG_0002 IMG_0003 IMG_0004 Mosquito Larva slide from 1961-2.  From my forst microscope kit. IMG_0006



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
