
Unidentified objects in Marine water sample

| Sat, Jun 04, 2016, 12:42 PM


For the last couple of days, I’ve been doing experiments with picking up droplets of water from different parts of the sea water table (which is full of different Marine organisms) at the Hopkins Marine station.

I’ve found the following puzzling things which I would love help in identification.

Puzzle 1: The first are these ladder like objects. Are they egg cases? Are they some type of vegetation? They hardly move.
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Puzzle 2: this rod-like object. Didn’t move much.

Puzzle 3: these Mercedes Benz signs. What are they?

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Puzzle 4:

Thus strange creature that seems to be feeding but doesn’t move much.


This last one is just one is not a puzzle but just an interesting observation. I found Marine bacteria consuming a leaf. It was surprising to see so much intense activity on what appeared to initially be a stationary object.

I leave you with a final question that I’ve been thinking about. What is the fastest Marine bacteria ever recorded? Word at the Marine station is that there are Marine bacteria observed to zoom at 400-600 body lengths persecond . If this is true, then how do they achieve such radical speeds? Why do they need such speeds ? And lastly, how do i ‘catch’ some:)?



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
