DBT foldscope project on ” Foldscope for diagnosis of rumen acidosis and parasitic infections in cattle” functioning at the Dept of Animal Biotechnology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai-7 has been twinned with Department of Biotechnology, Donbosco College, Maram, Manipur. In this connection one day guest lecture program has been arranged at Donbosco College, Maram on 12.8.2019. PI -Dr.S.Meignanalakshmi and Co-PI Dr.R.Edith Visited Dept of Biotechnology, Donbosco College, Maram, Manipur and delivered guest lecture on the following topics on 12.8.2019
Dr.S.Meignanalakshmi-” Study on Biodiversity of rumen protozoa using Foldscope
Dr.R.Edith: “Diagnosis of parasitic infections in cattle using Foldscope”
First year, Second year and Third year B.Sc Biotechnology students have attended the guest lecture programme and interacted very well. Both PI and Co-PI explained how foldscope will be useful for studying rumen protozoa identification and parasitic infection diagnosis at field level.