
Preparing environmental education in Patagonia

| Tue, Jun 21, 2016, 11:41 AM


Preparing environmental education in Patagonia:


We are Yaqu Pacha Chile, an non profit organization ( ). Our p rojects focuses on the conservation of dolphins and porpoises and the anthropogenic threats to the marine ecosystem in the Chiloé Archipelago in northern Patagonia, Chile. The different research topics of our project are linked closely with our environmental education themes.

Several months ago we contacted Professor Manu Prakash at Standford University , after seeing his inspiring TED talk and he very kindly responded to our enquiry.

The Prakash group sent us these extraordinary instruments which have already blown the minds of many people around the world. For sure, these foldscopes and their application will also capture the imagination of Patagonian children and fill their heads with new questions. Foldscopes really open the door to discover new worlds.

In late Jun we will start our workshops with children from local communities, and we cannot wait to see their faces when they discover the wonders of the microscopic world with an origami foldscope!

We are extremely grateful to the Manu Prakash Laboratory at the University of Standford for providing us with this amazing new tools!


Hace varios meses atrás nos contactamos con el profesor Manu Prakash de la Universidad de Standford, y él nos dio una muy cordial acogida.

Desde Estados Unidos, su grupo nos envió estos instrumentos extraordinarios que ya están haciendo volar la imaginación de muchas personas en todo el mundo. De seguro, los foldscopes llenarán las cabezas de los niños de Chile con nuevas preguntas, abriendo la puerta para descubrir el desconocido micro-mundo. Cada centímetro de suelo y cada gota de agua, son universos esperando ser explorados.

A fines de Marzo comenzaremos nuestro taller con niños de las comunidades locales, y no podemos esperar para ver sus caras de asombro cuando conozcan los foldscopes!

Muchas gracias al Laboratorio de Manu Prakash de la Universidad de Standford!



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
