
Mysteries of Dal Lake, Kashmir – Part 1

| Wed, Oct 16, 2019, 6:51 AM


It all started when my friend got a water sample from Dal Lake, Srinagar. The ecosystem of Dal is ecologically rich with 117 recorded species of hydrophytes and phytoplankton . Here are some views of this beautiful Lake: wonder what we can find inside it, under the Foldscope!

  • Dal Lake, Srinagar, Kashmir

In my first observation, I saw many microbes moving in so many different ways! I used maximum zoom on the iPad to view them under the Foldscope.

Look carefully at the centre of the field of view – the spiral motion is enthralling! This is perhaps a spiral bacterium. Isn’t it?

I found some prokaryotic filamentous cyanobacteria; they are bluish-green. In the second photo we can see an akinete on one of the filaments.

  • Cyanobacteria
  • Cyanobacteria

Another type of cyanobacteria, Oscillatoria sp. , are capable of a wave-like motion. Notice the filaments oscillating back and forth.

We can see ‘separation discs’ (colourless or whitish) in the filaments.

There was a variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic life in this sample and a treat to see under the Foldscope! Can you help me identify some?

I think the star shaped structure is a diatom called Actinastrum and the cylindrical-stacked structure is a desmid called Scenedesmus .

Observe the star-shaped and cylindrical-stacked green structures.

  • This rib-like structure is a perhaps a diatom too.
  • Is this a diatom?

From these spiral choloroplasts I deduced this one is Spirogyra sp . A dead rotifer seems to be floating around.

I was thrilled to see the ladder-like structure (one filament seems empty and the other is with a zygote). I believe this is the scalariform conjugation of Spirogyra . Can anyone help to verify this?

I also saw branched algae. I think this is Stigeoclonium sp.. Is it correct?

I found plant-like algae in the water sample. The image on the left is observed under the magnifying glass attached to the Foldscope light source. I think it is Chara sp .. The picture to the right is the detail of the leaf-like structure under the Foldscope. (I use concave slides to examine water samples!)

  • Plant-like algae – Could it be Chara ?
  • This is the leaf-like structure

There were many structures or algae that I could not distinguish. They are so unique, different from any that I have seen before. What do you think they are?

  • Pearl-like structures? Are they eggs or a colony?
  • Are they eggs or a colony of algae?

A few weeks ago, Purnati, a PhD student who is also one of our outreach volunteers, studied the Dal Lake sample using a confocal microscope at the TIFR Hyderabad imaging facility. She observed auto-fluorescent algae that were emitting in red when excited with 594 nm wavelength of light. The source of the auto-fluorescence is the chlorophyll of the algae .

The natural fluorescence of the algae can be observed as the confocal microscope scans through the different planes (height) of the water sample. The image on bottom left is the b/w image of Pediastrum sp. integrated over the Z axis of the colony.

The picture to the bottom right is a different species of Pediastrum.

  • Colony of alga as seen with a confocal microscope
  • Another species of algae as seen under the confocal microscope

An algal colony organises in the shape of a hollow sphere as it floats in water. Can you identify the species?

Rib-like structures suspected to be diatoms can be also seen under the confocal microscope.

It was encouraging and humbling to learn that the Foldscope can examine a drop of water quite comparably to state-of-art microscopes used for advanced scientific research!

See more about the fauna of Dal Lake in the next post – Part II 🙂



– with Chandrika and Purnati



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification


MananSuri 5 years ago
Such an interest read! The biodiversity in the sample is so evident..

Yashas Devasurmutt 5 years ago
Dear Ashalatha and team, It’s just amazing to observe those microbes, this one’s a showstopper, great effort by you and your associates. All the best and keep it coming… Cheers Yashas