
Pollinia of Calotropis under foldscope

| Sat May 11 51726 17:40:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Calotropis commonly called as Ak in native language is a milkweed because of the milky latex produced. Calotropis is a common weed found abundantly in North India. The peculiar thing about its pollen grains is the formation of Pollinia.

Using a foldscope I could easily observe and understand the structure of a pollinium. From a Calotropis flower, I firstly removed its Gynostegium (the stigmatic disc) and then gently separatedthe pollinia from the edges of the pentangular disc and mounted them on a slide to observe though a foldscope.

A pollinium is a hard sac-like definite structure formed from a mass of pollen grains agglutinated within one anther. These are transferred during pollination as a single unit. This is commonly referred to as – Translator. In Calotropis it is seen that each translator consists of two parts:

  • Corpusculum
  • A pair of arms – Caudicles

The corpusculum attaches to the margins of stigma disc between the anthers and the pair of arms is attached to the pollinia of the adjacent anther



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
