Under DBT Foldscope scheme, One Day Workshop on DBT Foldscope- Assembly & Usage was conducted at CTTE College, Chennai on 22, Aug, 2019. Nearly 50 students from various classes of B.Sc. Physics participated in this workshop enthusiastically. Our volunteers who guided the participants belong to four different generation of Foldscopers of our College. This is a very unique opportunity where the alumni foldscopers join with the most recent ones and hand hold students of a different college. Amazing way these workshops bind humans. They are willing to join for a cause, without inhibhitions. Students of a different college learning happily from juniors from another college- it is not a usual one. Absolute delight to see this as a teacher- my students learnt, learnt to teach, now they teach others, they coordinate, hand-hold, mentor juniors……thank you DBT Foldscope team