This is an analysis of a phone screen, a laptop screen, and a TV screen.
Pixels are visible in three colours – red, blue and green – in all the screens, but the pixels of each screen differ in shape and size. There are variations in the pixel densities. Based on the pixel density, the approximate size of one pixel can be calculated.
Smartphone Touchscreen
Pixel density: 326 ppi
Pixel size: 78 μm
The individual pixels are not clear, but are seen as continuous bands of colour. The space between them is white.
Laptop Screen
Pixel density: 112 ppi
Pixel size: 227 μm
Pixels are much larger than those of a phone screen. They are distinct, and the space between them is black.
Bright blue screen
Yellow screen
Red screen (PowerPoint theme colour)
Dark green screen (Excel theme colour)
Blinking cursor on white screen
A cursor is six pixels wide!
TV Screen
Pixel density: 53 ppi
Pixel size: 479 μm
These pixels are the largest of all. They also have an arrowhead-like shape, compared to the rectangular pixels of the laptop and phone screens. They are spaced close together, in continuous bands.
Pixels shown along with the colours they are displaying