
Foldscope activity challenge Day 2

| Sun, Mar 13, 2022, 10:29 AM


Feb, 10th – 17:24pm/ Bringing science to street. I had to take the challenge to street and do everything -including taking pictures- by myself without team!
This unplanned transition occurred due to couple reasons and it brought also many other unexpected incidences later -will share eventually within each day what happened-

Two main reasons why I decided to take the challenge to streets and continued without the kids team:
1- Originally I was thinking to go to parks and do the activities there but I had difficulty of transportation with all these kids team with me. So from sake of making things more doable and practical, I decided to take it for the kids in the streets.
2- It was so much responsibility on me to manage team of kids as each one of their parents trusted me and I was responsible of their safety so I had to give up of that dream until next time instead focus how to create more efficient experience for kids in streets and make the challenge less stressful and doable for myself.

I was feeling sleepy and not willing to do because I was tired and had long day so I wanted to do it next day maybe mostly I had this fear of doing something new and had no idea how to stop by and talk as stranger to kids but Alhamdulilah I did it and made my first ever street activity. I thought of Wearing masks, gloves, take hand sterilizer.

I began in my neighborhood stopped by group were just finished playing football and I asked if they would like to see an experiment in science so I spent 1 hour with them doing the activity full of many wow moments and wonder.

We took a wet real sample from the street and looked into it under Foldscope. The activity created real time impact on them.

Some pictures I tried to capture when I got the chance.

Activity Review & Lessons

  • Quality over quantity.
  • Make it meaningful by connecting 3 topics (Allah, Science, personal hygiene).
  • Make them wonder first and guess what I am up to.
  • Make it engaging by giving them things to look and think about.
  • Open group on social media or activate the page for follow-up and future communication.
  • Establish proper selling method and communication.
  • Prepare and mind map different types of activities.
  • Involve and share relevant stories.
  • Test out new ways of science communication like “little engagers”. Start collecting data about this.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
