I’ve been re-viewing all the permanent slides I’d made earlier, and experimenting with different viewing techniques. Recently we took out my first slide, an onion peel mount ( https://microcosmos.foldscope.com/?p=197449 ), and tried Mr Manu’s “camera lucida” mode ( https://microcosmos.foldscope.com/?p=16684 ).
Using the simplest of materials we found on my table, we set up the Foldscope as seen in the photo below. First made some space, wedged a ruler in a pile of books, taped the Foldscope to the ruler and taped a sheet of paper to the table. The light source is an extremely simple, inexpensive hack. We removed the diffuser of a small torch, then taped a nut to the bulb end. The nut gets attracted by the Foldscope’s magnets and doesn’t block the light too! This light module makes a great tool for projection microscopy as well!