
Posterior Spircale of Chrysomia species

| Tue, Nov 27, 2018, 3:13 AM


DBT Foldscope scheme “Foldscope for diagnosis of rumen acidosis and parasitic infections in cattle”

Here’s a beautiful and detailed picture of the processed Posterior Spiracle of a Chrysomya larvae which was collected from an infected wound of a cow.

The steps involved are:

  1. The larvae was boiled in 10% NaOH for about 5 mins and was thoroughly rinsed in water.
  2. It was then dehydrated for 2 – 5 mins in increasing concentrations of alcohol ( 70%, 90% and 100%).
  3. The larvae was then kept in a clearing agent ( carbolic acid).
  4. The cleared larvae was then mounted in DPX mountant and  examined under foldscope.

The posterior spiracle of Chrysomya larvae (Figure 1) has a pair of more or less circular spiracles with 3 longitudinal slits (b) , incomplete circumference (a) and no button (c).


Figure 1: Posterior spiracle of Chrysomya species



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
