
| Fri, Nov 02, 2018, 11:19 PM


This is a Elephant’s apple .Ekya school had taken us to lalbagh.Its scientific name is Dillenia indica L (Family Dilleniaceae) named after German Botanist Johann Jacob Dillenius (‘indica’ is the Latin word for India).The tree is native to forest river banks across tropical Asia to South-East Asia. Being an important source of food for elephants and other animals like monkeys, deer in North-Eastern India, the tree plays a major role in forest ecology. It is an introduced tree  to gardens and elsewhere  from the forests of North-Eastern India.’Elephant Apple’ is an evergreen or semi-evergreen, medium-sized tree with a spreading canopy. The leaves are large, attractive with a ribbed surface and impressed veins. They are glossy, silky, dark green with teeth-like margins and slightly lemon-scented when crushed.  Flowers are large and solitary at the ends of the twigs. Sepals are rounded and yellowish green; petals, 5, white; stamens numerous, yellow. The flowers face downward and are short-lived. The fruits are yellow-green with a leathery brown covering and brown-black seeds. The flowering season is June to August.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
