
Arrangements of scales of a butterfly belongs to Lycaenidae

| Wed, Dec 05, 2018, 12:30 AM


I spent lots of time with different insect taxa When I was working with the Zoological Survey of India for biodiversity assessment on Himalayan landscapes. But most memorable things for me was the collection and preservation of Lepidoptera ns because I was so much astonished by their coloration and patterns. Lepidoptera group is comprising of Moth and Butterflies, insects that have wings with scales and different types of scales collectively give them so many variations of color .  B utterflies are one of the most popular groups of organisms among the whole animal kingdom for their bright colors, different patterns , and availability. We collected one dead butterfly belongs to Family- L ycaenidae during the sampling of mosses and lichens from IISER, Bhopal campus and check its scale arrangements and coloration under foldscope.



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
