
Crystallizing Urea

| Wed, Jan 14, 2015, 5:47 PM


Here are some shots from my first attempt at crystallizing urea and viewing them in the foldscope.

I started out by taking a few grams of pure Urea pellets in the lab and dissolving them in about 500uL of water.

I put only 20uL of solution onto a glass slide, and then waited a few minutes for the sample to dry out before attaching it to the foldscope.

On my first try, conditions were not really optimal, and since it didn’t dry out 100% I got some really small white crystals instead of the long finger-like crystals I was hoping for.  I will try again later, but the images looked so pretty anyways that I wanted to share them.

Urea1 IMG_1814 IMG_1807 IMG_1808



Type of Sample
Foldscope Lens Magnification
